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[新进展] 【原创】Cell:p53泛素化的新机制被发现

1# 楼主
发表于 2007-2-25 19:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Figure 1. E4F1 Exhibits Intrinsic Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Activity on p53 In Vitro and In Vivo

(A) Autoubiquitylation activity of E4F1. Autoradiograms of in vitro ubiquitylation assays performed under standard conditions in presence of in vitro translated (IVT) E4F1 labeled by 35S-methionine.

(B) Recombinant E4F1 stimulates p53 ubiquitylation in vitro. Autoradiograms of in vitro ubiquitylation assays performed with IVT 35S-labeled p53 and GST-E4F1 or GST.

(C) Autoradiograms of in vitro ubiquitylation assays performed under standard conditions with IVT 35S-labeled p53 and cellular E4F1 immunoprecipitated from E4F1- or mock-transfected U2OS cells.

(D) E4F1 stimulates K48-Ub branching. Autoradiograms of in vitro ubiquitylation assays performed with IVT 35S-labeled p53, baculovirus expressed E4F1 and Ub (WT), or Ub mutants bearing mutations of all (K0) or all but one of its lysine residues at the indicated position. Equal amounts of Ub mutants were used in each assay (Figure S1F).

(E) Cre-induced E4F1-GFP expression in U2OS cells stably expressing the LSL-E4F1 construct. (Upper panels) Western blot **yses of nuclear extracts prepared from LSL-E4F1 cells at the indicated time points after infection with Cre retrovirus, probed with anti-GFP, -E4F1, -p53 (DO1), -Cre, and -TBP (loading control) antibodies (Abs). (Lower panels) Analysis of E4F1-GFP expression by fluorescence microscopy 3 days after infection with Cre (+) or control (−) retroviruses. Cells are shown at 40× magnification.

(F) E4F1 stimulates ubiquitylation of endogenous p53 in vivo. Western blot **yses of Ub-conjugated proteins in LSL-E4F1 cells transiently transfected for 24 hr with a 6XHis-Ub expression vector 4 days after infection by Cre (+) or control (−) retroviruses. One percent of cellular extracts were probed for the presence of E4F1-GFP and total endogenous p53 using anti-GFP and anti-p53 (DO1) Abs (input). These cellular extracts, normalized to contain equal amounts of total p53, were loaded on nickel (Ni+)-NTA columns. Ni+-purified 6XHis-Ub-conjugated proteins were probed for the presence of Ub-p53 forms using an anti-p53 (DO1) Ab (Ni-purified). Neither cells nor cellular extracts were treated with proteasome inhibitors.

(G) Depletion of endogenous E4F1 impacts on endogenous p53 ubiquitylation in vivo. Western blot **yses of Ub-conjugated proteins in U2OS cells treated for 72 hr with control scramble or E4F1 SiRNAs. His-Ub-conjugated forms of endogenous p53 present in these cells were purified and **yzed as described in Figure 1F.


Cell    November 17, 2006: 127 (4)

E4F1 Is an Atypical Ubiquitin Ligase that Modulates p53 Effector Functions Independently of Degradationp775
Laurent Le Cam, Laëtitia K. Linares, Conception Paul, Eric Julien, Matthieu Lacroix, Elodie Hatchi, Robinson Triboulet, Guillaume Bossis, Ayelet Shmueli, Manuel S. Rodriguez, Olivier Coux, and Claude Sardet
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