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糖尿病肾病治疗新策略——美国Vanderbilt大学医学中心Raymond Harris教授访谈

1# 楼主
发表于 2008-5-26 15:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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——美国Vanderbilt大学医学中心Raymond Harris教授访谈
来源:本站原创  作者:国际糖尿病   日期: 2008年5月10日
《International Diabetes》:Are there any updated progressions in the field of the prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy?
     Prof. Raymond Harris:To date, the most consistently successful approaches to prevent progression of diabetic nephropathy include control of diabetes, control of blood pressure and agents that target the renin-angiotensin system (ACE inhibitors and AT1 receptor blockers). Newer strategies currently being evaluated include: ①aggressive RAS blockade, including dual blockade with ACE inhibitors and ARBs or aldosterone inhibitors with ACEI or ARBS; ② the PDE4 inhibitor, pentoxifilline; ③ statins; ④PKC-beta inhibitors; and ⑤agents that target TGF-?. A recent trial evaluating the potential therapeutic effects of the glycosaminoglycan, sulodexide, did not indicate that this approach was effective in slowing progression of diabetic nephropathy.
    Raymond Harris教授:到目前为止,在成功预防糖尿病肾病方面,比较一致的策略包括控制糖尿病、控制血压及控制肾素-血管紧张素系统(如应用ACEI与ARB)。目前正在评价的较新的治疗手段包括:①对肾素血管紧张素系统进行积极、有力的阻滞,即应用ACE及AT1受体的双重拮抗剂,或将醛固酮抑制剂、ACEI、ARB联合应用;②PDE4抑制剂;③他汀类药物;④蛋白激酶C β抑制因子;5)以TGF-?为治疗靶点的药物。近期有一项评价葡萄糖胺聚糖、舒洛地希潜在疗效的研究,结果并未提示这一策略可以延缓糖尿病肾病的进展。
   《International Diabetes》:Though there are a lot of trials about diabetic nephropathy by now, they are still not enough. What do you think will be paid attention to in the future trials?

    Prof. Raymond Harris:Multicenter trials have provided good evidence indicating that control of blood sugar and blood pressure can have a significant impact on development of diabetic microvascular complications, including nephropathy. However, there is also evidence for a genetic component in the development of both diabetic and non-diabetic progressive nephropathy. The future goals will be not only to identify the genes involved but also to understand the interplay of genetic predisposition with environmental influences.
    Raymond Harris教授:多项多中心研究已经很好地证实,控制血糖、血压能显著影响糖尿病微血管并发症(包括糖尿病肾病)的发展。然而,也有证据显示,基因因素亦参与了糖尿病及非糖尿病性肾病的发展。将来的研究目标不仅要明确参与疾病发生、发展的基因,还要了解遗传易感性与环境因素对于疾病发生的相互作用。
(河北省秦皇岛市卢龙县医院  王仁友摘《国际糖尿病》***)
2# 沙发
发表于 2008-5-26 19:09 | 只看该作者
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