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[时事热评] Drugs Not Equal To Medicine(药物不等于医学)

1# 楼主
发表于 2007-2-5 15:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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    In the debate between Chinese traditional medicine and modern medicine, some of those supporting the former argue about the bad side with the side-effects of western drugs. Though drugs belong to medical therapy, but they are not all the medical issues. Sometime medicine does not order the patients to take pills, but to ask them to avoid taking some pills. Drugs are not the only thing that doctors could provide to their patients. Besides drugs, there are also advices on living, food, activity, mental issues, etc. For those whose conditions could not be improved by drugs, doctors might provide other therapies, such as surgery or organ transplantation. Someone condemning the modern medicine always begin with the side-effects and high prices of drugs, just like judging a person only by his accent.
    For example, chronic gastritis is the most common disease of my specialty, the digestive diseases. There is no single drug with the effects radical curing this disease. In the practice, some patients’ symptoms persist even after long periods of treatment with three or four kinds of drugs. But after careful history taking and communication with the patients about their personal lives, some doctors could find the true causes of their symptoms, such as family loss, sleep disorder, heavy smoke or drink, and unnecessary health care products consuming. After deserting those inducements, some patients’ complaints would be vanished without any drugs. That is also called medicine. By understanding the diseases, doctors could serve their patients with only some words.
    Fraud doesn’t do that way. They don’t understand the medicine or any specific diseases. But they know people’s attitude well. Some patients seek the fraud’s help after they failed with the formal medical service. Limited by the medical development and attitude of objectiveness and science, doctor’s statement seems to be less desirable than the fraud’s, which might be wonderful and dramatic. All they want to do is making something believed by patients, even they don’t believe by themselves. Whether the products they sell are effective or harmful is not their focus. Of course, that could never be called medicine.
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