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[大学英语] 英译汉

1# 楼主
发表于 2015-12-13 16:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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1. Within his index finger, Patterson pointed toward a plain color-coded box beneath a long wooden table.长长的木头桌子底下一个不起眼的贴着彩色代码的箱子
2. He disguised himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around.他装扮成侍者
3. He often whistles a tune during the morning tea break when his boss is not around.他经常吹着小曲
4. And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to restrain herself, “I can’t stand any more.”根本没想克制一下
5. There were certain people in that room, like Peter and John, who had failed to grasp what I was saying.有些人没弄明白我在说什么
6. During that time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.怀念儿时无忧无虑的日子
7. I’m just praying that the board of directors will take steps before it is too late.祈祷董事会采取措施
8. She was the director’s faithful assistant in whom he could have absolute confidence.她是主任的忠诚助手
9. These developers pledge to build low-income housing units when the supply of affordable housing for poor people continues to shrink.请求建设针对低收入群体的住房
10. People have been mobilized to build defenses and drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall.为被洪水淹没的田地排水
Unit 2
1. Church Mill, although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its nei**ors, is a delightful two-story building of stone.与周围其他建筑比起来只是中等大小
2. If your weight remains constant you must be using up all your calories, but if you are gaining weight then some of the calories you consume are being stored as fat.你摄入的热量以脂肪的形式储存起来
3. I don’t think it advisable that Tim be assigned the job since he has no experience.我认为把这项任务分配给他是不可取的
4. Meals also have to be modified from their original state so that they will have a beneficial effect on the body.一日三餐必须加以更改
5. His face was very red, which was a clear evidence of his fever.很明显在发烧
6. Families with children tend to be restricted as to when they can take their vacations.有孩子的家庭往往受到限制
7. They calculate that the aging population is adding one percent yearly to health service costs.他们计算出老龄人口。。。
8. In the case of a polluted river, the remedy lies in the hands of the national government.解决问题要靠国家[根据相关法规进行屏蔽]
9. The change in leadership will have a huge impact on government policy.对[根据相关法规进行屏蔽]的政策产生巨大的影响
10. Given sufficient time, with other things remaining unchanged, prices and wages would eventually be adjusted and full employment may be achieved.如果有足够的时间的话
Unit 3
1. Education should aim to cultivate a child’s mind to its utmost potential.培养孩子的智力
2. We have tried to make the test simple but comprehensive so that it will give us a basic idea of what you do and do not understand.使考试既简单又全面
3. This controversial book was both praised and criticized, but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research.这本书备受争议,表现褒贬不一
4. Three independent daily newspapers have been ordered to suspend publication.暂缓发行
5. They offered me only $5 for a whole day’s work—I felt really insulted.我感觉这简直就是侮辱
6. The lab director said that the experiment was at its preliminary stage and they would need more time to a final result.实验还处于初级阶段
7. They must know how to make use of and, when necessary, to replace the old, conventional rules.替换这些旧的传统的规矩
8. It is made quite clear in the report that China will stick to its reform and opining-up policy.**政策
9. One of the things many of us hope for is a chance to contribute something worthwhile to the world.为这个世界做一些有意义的事
10. The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have been debated in the House.报道引起了很大关注
Unit 4
1. This means they have been inspected by a team of professional experts and the standard of their work has been approved.他们被专家审查
2. The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being assembled so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived.正在组装
3. This reaction to the event is rather exaggerated but on the other hand there’s something in it.反应相当夸大
4. Police had trouble understanding who was responsible for the accident, because everyone who saw it made different versions of what happened.目击者的说法各不相同
5. It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.这几乎是不争的事实
6. His appointment has not been formally approved yet.他的任命还没有被正式认可.
7. It’s getting more and more difficult to recruit experienced staff.招募有经验的员工
8. He insisted that the idea evolved out of work done by British scientists.由英国科学家的研究演变而来
9. They are the ordinary citizens for whom the honor system was designed—people who have dedicated their lives to duty.那些把自己的生命奉献给工作的人
10. His expression became very solemn when we told him what had happened.他的表情变得非常严肃
Unit 5
1. A very promising football player back home, Kamte decided to switch to golf and turned professional in 2002.决定转向高尔夫球
2. The cabbages have already started to decay and we have to throw them away.卷心菜已经开始腐烂
3. Many elderly people feel more secured knowing that if they need help, there is always someone with them, caring for them.很多老年人会更有安全感
4. The Toyota Matrix that we were driving was shaking vigorously, and some of its screws were getting loose.车上的一些螺丝松动了
5. They went up to the gate, which slid open at the push of a button.一按电钮就开了
6. During the colonial period, the church was closely allied with the government, giving full support to the government and, in return, receiving special privileges.得到了特殊的特权作为回报
7. The baby had woken up for another feed after a(n) interval of three or four hours.每隔三四个小时
8. In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing.给出研究的框架
9. I knew that he had been in Cuba the preceding year because he constantly mentioned Havana.去年
10. If he is only interested in your looks, that just shows how shallow he is.那只能说明他有多肤浅
Unit 6
1. It would have been more sensible to save the money than to spend it all on clothes.攒钱更明智
2. The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003 degrees.能探测温度的变化
3. The doctor advised us to take every precaution so as not to catch cold.采取一切办法预防感冒
4. It was the strangest occurrence I can remember in my university days.发生在大学时代最怪的事
5. The government demands that the bridge be built to withstand an earthquake of 8.3 magnitudes.8.3级地震
6. On a long-term basis they may contribute to developing crops which are resistant to drought.抗旱的庄稼
7. In some places the cliff was almost vertical, and much too dangerous to climb.悬崖几乎是垂直的
8. The accidental discharge of the poisonous gas caused some chaos.有毒气体的意外泄露
9. Please find enclosed the application ***rmation you requested.附上您所需要的申请
10. Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished.系好安全带
Unit 7
1. They need more funds to modernize the country’s telephone system.使国家电话系统实现现代化
2. Three interpreters looked the passage over for about three or four minutes and found that they could not interpret half of it.连一半都翻译不了
3. He is promoted to manager because he has done a very good job in distributing videophones to the local customers.向当地顾客推销可视电话
4. Participants are expected to be seated by 8:30 a.m. so that the meeting can begin punctually.会议准时开始
5. In China, as in many parts of the world, energy conservation is an issue which gets a lot of atttention these days.能源节约是目前被广为关注的问题
6. Although they might have IQs of 10 or 50 at the maximum, they should not be treated unfaily.智商最多1050
7. The products not only meet the need of the domestic market, but also are exported to many parts of the world.出口到世界的很多地方
8. Because of the high interest rate needed to conquer inflation, Brazil’s economy has not been growing as fast as it could.战胜通货膨胀
9. Job evaluation and classification is the basis for determining the salary for a position.工作评价和分类
10. In China now more and more people are visiting the countryside for holidays, day excursions and recreation on weekends.短途旅行和周末休闲
Unit 8
1. They were running through thickly forested country, and nervousness began to mount in the car.车里的气氛越来越紧张
2. Most animals, including fish, look for a mate which resembles their parents.寻找和它们父母相像的配偶
3. The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.他的文章暗示
4. The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.使许多人无法进行这体育活动
5. The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.有意羞辱[根据相关法规进行屏蔽]
6. Whether he deserves what has happened to him is open to debate.可以公开辩论
7. Broadly speaking, interpretations can be classified into two groups: judgments and opinions.理解可分为两大类
8. Today most people in charge of city planning observe fairly strict guidelines on new houses.遵守相当严格的指导方针
9. We are coming toward the conclusion of a transaction that will split the company in half.使公司一分为二
10. The computer industry has generated hundreds of new jobs in the area.产生上百个就业机会
Unit 9
1. Shortly afterwards, Donald received a(n) invitation in the mail to speak at a scientific conference.收到邀请
2. See to it that the safety regulations are enforced strictly.严格执行安全条例
3. The melting of the polar icecaps and the ensuing rise in the sea level are only the most commonly cited effects of climate change.最常被引用的气候变化的后果
4. He was always awkward in the company of women, especially girls.在女性面前总是不自在
5. Moreover, she doesn’t want to leave her home, a nice little house that she inherited from her parents.从父母那继承的
6. He proposed a peaceful settlement of the dispute between the two countries.两国的争论
7. A research team has found that increased exposure to sunlight may decrease the risk of breast cancer.多暗太阳
8. There must be a legally valid contract of employment between the private corporation and the staff members.合法有效的雇佣合同
9. All desc**tions and ***rmation on hotels and guest houses in this advertisement should be verified as we have never seem them before.描述和信息需要核实
10. Your dislike of it is hardly a justification to attack the whole thing.算不上是攻击这件事的理由
Unit 10
1. If you harness something such as a natural source of energy, you bring it under your control and use it.驾驭自然能源
2. The study showed that only a small percentage of African American employees were considered for promotion.比例很小的一部分非洲裔美国人
3. In some countries churches are not allowed to impose their beliefs on people.把自己的信仰强加到人们身上
4. Slowly they became the legal authorities on the religious law, adding comments and interpretations of their own.宗教法律方面的合法权威
5. The Wilsons were coming back form holiday today, and I was dreading telling them what had happened while they were away.我正担心告诉他们发生了什么
6. Opinion surveys suffer from various drawbacks, the most important of which is that they reflect opinion and not necessarily facts.同意调查有很多不足
7. This doesn’t mean that the conclusion that life exists all around the universe is necessarily wrong.整个宇宙都存在生命
8. As required by customers, the shops have been granted an extension to opening hours.延长营业时间
9. Reading widely certainly helps to broaden our horizon.扩展视野
10. You will find that in all such pictures before the war practically every man is wearing a cloth cap or a hat.几乎所有人都带着帽子
Prepositions and Adverbs
Unit 1
1. I hated to hear the monitor say “I’ll tell our teacher on you” whenever I did something that did not please her.我一惹到班长,他就会说“我要到老师那儿告状。”我讨厌她这么说。
2. The police have failed to track down any of the people responsible for the attack, though they think the same group was responsible for last year’s attack.
3. I think the father and son do have some trouble in their relationship, and I feel they should try to work it out.
4. I don’t know why he’s always picking on me. I haven’t done anything wrong; on the contrary, I’ve done good business for the company.
5. No car, no house, and no wife—these are the problems to be reckoned with for the time being.
6. When the leading lady dropped out the movie, the producers had no choice but to call on the cleaning lady to save the day.
7. When he was a student at London University, he had a chance to travel around the world on his own.他在伦敦大学上学时,有机会独自环游世界。
8. I thought if we could get through the next year on our father’s income, things would be easier as I would graduate and get a job by then.
9. The unshaven old man in the park turned out to be a police officer in disguise.
10. There is nothing remarkable about the narrative, which revolves around a traditional love triangle.这篇文章集中讲述了一个传统的三角恋故事,没什么引人瞩目的地方。
Unit 2
1. He felt depressed when his suggestion was refused, but it didn’t take too long for him to bounce back.提议遭到拒绝后,他感到非常沮丧,但不久就恢复过来了。
2. At the end of the class the teacher summed up the main points of the lesson in three sentences
3. Up to 1,000 people attended the opening ceremony.多达1000人出席了开幕式。
4. The children there are being put at risk every day because many care workers still do not know how to protect them from HIV.每天都有一些儿童处在危险之中,因为许多看护仍然不知道怎么保护儿童免遭艾滋病病毒的侵扰。
5. The spirit of the football team went to zero after the team’s third defeat.
6. The demand for iron goes up as people do more physical exercises.
7. Unfortunately, your feelings about writing interfere with your ability to write.
8. These vitamins and minerals, ultimately derived from food, are the necessary sources of energy for animals.这些维生素和最终来自食物中的矿物质是动物的必须能量来源。
9. In general, about 70% of graduates are offered positions upon application.
10. It’s good to stand on top of the hill and take in fresh air.
Unit 4
1. The project he worked on last year feel through as it was costly.
2. The committee did not approve of the plan to build a new bridge over the river.
3. Although some members slipped away, the meeting went ahead without them.
4. There are some houses for sale in the economic development zone. Let’s go and have a look.
5. Have you come up with an idea of how to deal with test cheating?
6. This second-hand dress can be refashioned into a rather pretty skirt.
7. It is often the case that popular music stars rise to fame at a young age.
8. What captures my attention about the painting is the neck that is stretched a little bit and the face that is sour-looking.这幅油画使我感兴趣的是那深长的脖子和有点愠怒的脸。
9. The theories discussed below may have evolved from different assumptions, but it is still difficult to tell them apart.
10. The road is named after the old man who has paid all the money for building it.
Unit 5
1. The young woman reached for her bag and pulled out a gun.
2. It’s completely dark, so I had to feel for the car key with my fingers.
3. Thomas turned his head, trying to avoid breathing in the vapor.
4. He always covers his mouth when coughing so that he won’t spread germs.
5. John managed to accomplish his work in time.
6. It is very strange that the old lady seemed to be able to sense my thoughts.
7. We did not provide for such a sudden and large-scale enemy attack.
8. His intervention may have spared me a bloody nose.
9. I was shocked when read about his success in turning his small family business into an international company within three years.
10. I don’t want to be a teacher any more; I’m thinking about changing careers, but the problem is I don’t quite know how to go about it.
Unit 6
1. He has just come out of prison after doing two years for bodily harm.
2. We’ll watch for the developments in earthquake prediction and prevention.
3. The transplanted trees are resistant to cold weather.
4. Somehow I managed to cover her with my coat and put out the flames with my hands.
5. Don’t get discouraged by difficulties. After all we are just new to the experiment.
6. Where you live can make a difference to the way you feel.
7. The union and the management agree on a new contract.
8. The workers at the airport attach labels to the passengers’ luggage.
9. I will give a speech on behalf of you at the meeting tomorrow if necessary.
10. In addition to the cost, we need to think about how much time the job will take.
Unit 7
1. There is no time to mention by name, but I would like to thank them all for what they taught me about life.
2. When everyone else is off work and goes home around 7 p.m., the manager is still in high gear.
3. People knew or pretended to know a lot about him, but he turned out to be a little different from what they thought.
4. At times it seems that researchers are merely picking the patterns that fit their theories, and this is no good.
5. There may be several interpretations as to what the committee’s discussion means.
6. Many of the problems they are facing stem from poor management.
7. A survey has revealed that women directors put in more hours than their male colleagues, but still earn 20% less.
8. Part of the program included talks prepared by the professors on the subject of modernism in literature.
9. If the alarm gets no response, the timer goes ahead and switches off in the interest of safety and economy.
10. The sooner a virus is reported, the sooner we can work on procedures to isolate it and prevent its spread.
Unit 8
1. The success he dreamed of is not within reach.
2. The studies show that many illnesses fall into the category of stress-related illnesses.
3. The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.
4. You can get around your parking problem by using my permit.
5. We have to follow his decisions regardless of whether he is right or wrong.
6. Dr. Radia Perlman is a software designer and network engineer, sometimes referred to as the “Mother of the Internet”.
7. “What if he doesn’t come to the meeting?” “We shall go ahead without him.”
如果他不来开会怎么办  没有他我们会照常开会
8. What brought Mary Engelbreit to New York in the first place?
9. Five years ago, increasingly concerned about the environment, he decided to work directly for an environmental group.
10. The policemen found envelopes identical to those used to post the letters.
Unit 9
1. She was certainly gained in confidence over the last couple of years.
2. The actor made the headlines for having an affair.
3. Greg’s parents are worried about his exposure to the kind of people they don’t approve of while he’s at college.
4. The opposition parties are calling for the minister’s resignation over the scandal.
5. The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan.
6. She’ll end up penniless if she keeps spending as much as that.
7. She lays bare her three unhappy marriages in her autobiography.
8. Hoping that he might be able to shed light on the problem, I asked Paul to look at the engine.
9. The outside influences have no bearing on what you can do for your basketball team.
10. Thank you; I’ll store that piece of news away for a time when I might need it.
Unit 10
1. Mr. Williams has expressed on numerous occasions how lucky these students are to be at a camp like this as freshmen.
2. She seems to be generous but in fact she is only free with other people’s money.
3. The king was sad to lose such a good general, and built the city to the memory of him.
4. A hundred youngsters from ten regions competed for medals with intensity.
5. It is said that the best form of advertising is probably a recommendation by word of mouth.
6. Sarah never really takes to Charles not only because he is odd but also because he is mean.
7. At times I wonder what would have happened to me had I acted otherwise in such a situation.
8. If you refer to someone or something as a particular thing, you use a particular word, expression, or name to mention or describe them.
9. Some hard plastics are being used as substitute for metals in manufacturing machine parts.
10. It began to dawn on people only slowly that they were never coming back to work.
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