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1# 楼主
发表于 2010-6-16 15:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  Cranially the costal and mediastinal pleura dome to form CUPOLAE PLEURAE which extend past the cranial thoracic aperture.
  On the right hand side the vena cava is enveloped by a ventro dorsal extension of the pleura - THE PLICA VENAE CAVAE.
  Thin pleura may allow communication between left and right sacs.
  Pleura are more extensive than observed from thoracic boundaries due to numerous folds. However, on the dorsal diaphragm there is a small space in which the pleura do not lie.
  Comparison of the pleura in the domestic species
  The costodiaphragmatic reflection runs from the eighth rib cartilage to the vertebral end of the seventeenth rib. It slopes, is dorsocranially concave, and is projected cranially at the last rib.
  The right cupola pleura extends medially.
  The costodiaphragmatic reflection runs from the eighth costochondral junction to the twelfth rib, below the lateral margin of the iliocostalis. It has a steep caudal ascent and crosses the middle of the eleventh rib.
  The right cupola pleura extends cranially, 2-3cm costally. Medially it regions the mediastinum.
  The costodiaphragmatic reflection runs from the eighth costal cartilage to the dorsal end of the thirteenth rib. It passes the costochondral junction of the eleventh rib.
  Both right and left cupolae pleurae extend, the left further than the right.
  The costodiaphragmatic reflection runs from the seventh costochondral junction to the dorsal half of the last rib. It is a uniform curve.
  N.B. in all species the costodiaphragmatic reflection runs from the sternum then rises at the described location e.g. eighth rib.
  Clinical note:
  In all species the needle must be inserted cranial to the costodiaphragmatic line or else the needle will enter the abdominal cavity.
  Clinical note on the ribs:
  Although the ribs are merely bypassed by the needle during thoracentesis it is necessary to know their structure for several reasons:
  1) The operator should know about the prescence of intercostal spaces as it is through these that the needle is inserted. Since it is usual to insert the needle through a specific intercostal space every time the technique is performed it is useful to know the number of ribs and certain landmarks over ribs. The olecranon is over the 5th rib in large animals and the pig but over the 4th rib in small animals.
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