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[新概念] Beautiful Sentences——From Mainstream English Media

1# 楼主
发表于 2008-12-29 19:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  * Unfinished homework/The Economist,Mar 22nd 2007



  1、Unfinished homework

(unfinished ...这么引申来用还是很有味道地)


  2、Germany’s chancellor shines more brightly abroad than at home (墙里开花墙外香)


  3、Everywhere she wins hearts and minds with a mix of intelligence and female modesty (win hearts and minds with... 好句型)


  4、In one sense, Ms Merkel has been lucky (忍不住翻译一下:从某种意义上讲,默克尔已经很幸运了)


  5、The economy is enjoying a recovery that owes more to the efforts of German business than to the government (owe more to ...than to ...功劳之争)


  6、One advantage is that she can play a waiting game (One advantage is that...这句的通用性太强冽)


  7、The SDP’s other problem is leadership (这句简单吧)


  8、Ms Merkel’s chancellorship may see foreign successes in Brussels and Washington, but its weakness is a lack of domestic achievements (but先放枪,然后在列要害 its weakness is a lack of ...)
2# 沙发
发表于 2008-12-31 01:24 | 只看该作者

老友记 1-3


  1、Phoebe: Not so good. He walked me to the subway and said “We should do this again!”

   Monica:No. Loosely translated “We should do this again’ means ”You will never see me naked’.


  2、Joey: Cushions the blow.(大棒前的萝卜)


  3、Joey: "In five minutes my pain will be over. But you’ll have to live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die."


  4、Ross:Just think about what you went through the last time you quit.(想一想你最后一次戒烟后是怎么活过来的)


  5、Ross: You know what I like most about him, though? The way he makes me feel about myself.

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