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[经验交流] 英语写作(二)英语写作中的词义

1# 楼主
发表于 2005-6-1 13:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The Meaning of Words
Denotation and Connotation
The meaning of a word has two aspects: denotative and connotative.
Denotation is a word's core meaning; it is what it literally means, as defined by the dictionary.
Connotation, on the other hand, is the implied or suggested meaning of a word; it refers to the emotional response stimulated by associations the word carries with it.
Home, for instance, means by denotation a place where we live, but by connotation it implies warmth, security, love, and comfort. So home is different from other words like house, habitation and dwelling by its connotative meaning.

例如,home, house, habitation 和 dwelling 都可以指家、处所。但是 home 给人亲切、温暖、舒适和安全感,使人容易联想到亲人团聚,父母之情和手足之情。
Synonym discrimination
country: refers to an area of land and its population and government
nation: emphasizes the people of a country.
state: refers to the government or political organization of a country.
land: refers to a country or region, less precise but more literary and emotive than country.
1) an island country;
2) nei**oring countries
3) In area, China is the third largest country in the world.
4) a peace-loving nation;
5) the awakening nations of Africa
6) The modernization program has won the support of the whole
7) state organs;
8) state-owned enterprises
9) China is my native land.

big: large in physical size
large: slightly more formal and may be used to describe things that are unusually big, more emphatic than big
huge: extremely large, is more literary than big and large, and is more emphatic than large
small: is objective
little: used to imply a feeling of fondness
1) a big / large city; a big / large house
2) Wuhan is a very large city in Central China.
3) The team has got a huge man over two meters tall.
4) They lived in a small town.
5) I can never forget the little town where I spent my happy childhood.

conflagration: a big fire
           blaze: the sudden shooting up of a flame, often connotes eagerness and happiness.
1) A conflagration that almost destroyed the City of London in 1666.
2) A comforting blaze roaring in the fireplace.
Idioms(成语) Idioms
Idioms are frequently used in speech and writing. They help to make one's language sound natural and idiomatic. But in using them an English learner should remember the following two points: (1) most idioms are ***rmal or colloquial in style and can be mostly used in conversation; but a few are slang and should be used with care, such as all hell broke loose, meaning big trouble. Also canned goods, meaning by and girl; (2) many idioms have become clichés and are no longer fresh or interesting, such as pretty as a picture and raining cats and dogs, and should be used sparingly.
       成语在说话和写作中都使用得比较广泛,它们可以使语言听起来更自然、更合乎语言习惯。但在使用的时候,英语学习者必须牢记两点:1、大部分成语都是非正式语或口语,可以在对话中使用;有一小部分是俚语,使用的时候必须小心,如all hell broke loose,意指大祸临头、沸沸扬扬。又如canned goods,意思是童男童女。2、许多成语都已过时,不再新鲜有趣,如as pretty as a picture(貌美如花)和raining cats and dogs(倾盆大雨),最好少用。

        An idiom is a fixed group of words or phrases which mean something different from the meanings of the separate words. Like Chinese, English is also rich in idioms. The following types of idioms are most common:        
v. + prep.
put up with (容忍、忍受)
bump into (碰见,撞见)
look forward to (期待)
do without  (没有…也行)
come across (偶遇)

v. + prep + n.         
fish in troubled waters (混水摸鱼)
rake over the coals (责备)
sell down the river (出卖某人)
fall from grace (失宠;坠落)
lead by the nose  (任意摆布别人)

n. + prep. + n.        
a straw in the wind (草动知风向)
the apple of one's eye (掌上明珠)
like a fish out of water (如鱼离水)
in a world of one's own (孤零零;全神贯注)

prep. + n.               
in abundance (充足的,很丰盛)
on the air (在广播)
at length (最后;详细地)
with flying colors (成功地,出色地)

v. + n.                     
brunt one's bridges(破釜沉舟)
eat one's words (食言)
smell a rat (有情况)
slip one's mind (突然失忆)
go to the dogs (堕落;失败;崩溃)

as easy as pie  (轻而易举)
as good as gold (表现很好;可靠的)
as blind as a bat (看不清)
as poor as a church mouse (一贫如洗)

pairs of words        
wear and tear (折磨;损耗)
high and dry  (孤立无援;与世隔绝)
touch and go  (一触即发)
in black and white (白纸黑字)

No pains, no gains. (一分耕耘,一分收获)
A stitch in time saves nine. (及时一针省九针)
Believe it or not. (信不信由你)
Like father, like son. (有其父必有其子)
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