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[麻醉] 【分享】 麻醉杂志简称

1# 楼主
发表于 2006-7-9 19:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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1. Anaesth Intensive Care= Anaesthesia and intensive care
2.Anaesth Resusc Intensive Ther =Anaesthesia, resuscitation, and intensive therapy
3. Br J Anaesth= British journal of anaesthesia
4. Can Anaesth Soc J= Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal
5.Can J Anaesth= Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie
6.Curr Anaesth Crit Care =Current anaesthesia and critical care
7.Dent Anaesth Sedat =Dental anaesthesia and sedation
8.Paediatr Anaesth= Paediatric anaesthesia
9.Prakt Anaesth =Praktische Anasthesie, Wiederbelebung und Intensivtherapie
10. Reg Anaesth= Regional-Anaesthesie
11.Anesth Analg =Anesthesia and **gesia
12.Anesth Pain Control Dent= Anesthesia & pain control in dentistry
13. Anesth Prog= Anesthesia progress
14. Anesth Analg (Paris) =Anesthesie, **gesie, reanimation
15. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim= Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation
16. Bull Anesth Hist =Bulletin of anesthesia history
17.Clin Anesth =Clinical anesthesia
18.Contemp Anesth Pract =Contemporary anesthesia practice
19. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth= Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
20. J Cardiothorac Anesth= Journal of cardiothoracic anesthesia
21.J Clin Anesth =Journal of clinical anesthesia
22.J Post Anesth Nurs =Journal of post anesthesia nursing
23. J Am Assoc Nurse Anesth= The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
24. Nurse Anesth= Nurse anesthesia
25.Reg Anesth= Regional anesthesia
26.Reg Anesth Pain Med =Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
27.Semin Anesth =Seminars in anesthesia.
28.Acta Anaesthesiol= Acta anaesthesiologica
29.Acta Anaesthesiol Belg= Acta anaesthesiologica Belgica
30. Acta Anaesthesiol Ital= Acta anaesthesiologica italica
31. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand= Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
32. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Suppl= Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum
33. Acta Anaesthesiol Sin= Acta anaesthesiologica Sinica
34. Am J Anesthesiol= The American journal of anesthesiology
35. Anaesthesia= Anaesthesia
36. Anaesthesiol Reanim= Anaesthesiologie und Reanimation
37. Anesthesiology= Anesthesiology
38. Anesthesiol Clin North America= Anesthesiology clinics of North America
39. Anesthesiol Rev= Anesthesiology review
40.Ann Anesthesiol Fr= Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaise
41.Baillieres Clin Anaesthesiol= Bailliere's clinical anaesthesiology
42. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol= Best practice & research. Clinical anaesthesiology
43. BMC Anesthesiol= BMC anesthesiology [electronic resource]
44. Bull N Y State Dent Soc Anesthesiol=Bulletin Of The New York State Dental Society Of Anesthesiolog
45. Cah Anesthesiol= Cahiers d'anesthesiologie
47.CRNA= CRNA : the clinical forum for nurse anesthetists
48. Current opinion in anaesthesiology
49. Anaesthesist= Der Anaesthesist
50. Eur J Anaesthesiol= European journal of anaesthesiology
51. Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl= European journal of anaesthesiology. Supplement
52. G Anest Stomatol= Giornale di anestesia stomatologica = Journal of dental anaesthesia / Associazione italiana per il progresso dell'anestesia in odontostomatologia
53. Int Anesthesiol Clin= International anesthesiology clinics
54. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol= Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology
55.J Am Dent Soc Anesthesiol= Journal of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology
56. Ma Zui Xue Za Zhi= Ma zui xue za zhi = Anaesthesiologica Sinica
57. Masui= Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology
58. Middle East J Anaesthesiol= Middle East journal of anaesthesiology
59. Middle East J Anesthesiol= Middle East journal of anesthesiology
60. Reanim Organes Artif= Reanimation et organes artificiels. Wiederbelebung und kunstliche Organe. Reanimation and artificial organs
61. Rev Bras Anestesiol= Revista brasileira de anestesiologia

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