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[经验交流] 英语写作中的措辞

1# 楼主
发表于 2005-6-1 13:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Sample Text
Diction, the choice of words, is the foundation of good writing. It can make a great difference in the effectiveness of a whole piece of writing. The English language has a very large vocabulary, over 700,000 words, but only a small part of it is used by ordinary people for ordinary purposes. To choose the right words, we should use them to express exactly what we want to say. It requires a large active vocabulary, and a basic knowledge of diction may be of help.

Levels of Words
Levels of Words
Words can be classified into three types: formal, common, and colloquial.
       Formal words may also be called learned words, or literary words. They mainly appear in formal writing, such as scholarly or theoretical works, political and legal documents, and formal lectures and addresses. Many such words contain three or more than three syllables; most of them are of Greek or Latin origin. They are seldom used in daily conversation, except for some special purposes.
       Common words, on the other hand, are the words that people use every day and appear in all kinds of writing.
       There are also words which are mainly used in ***rmal or familiar conversation. They seldom appear in formal writing, and in literary works their main use is to record people's thoughts and dialogues. They are usually short words of one or two syllables and most of them are of Saxon origin (i.e., not borrowed from Greek, Latin, or French). We may call them colloquial words, such as guts (meaning courage), guy (man), and hooker (prostitute).
       Thus there are three levels of words, which are all words of Standard English. Common words are good for all kinds of writing, while colloquial words are seldom used in formal writing, unless for special purpose or effect.
   If the human mind was a strictly logical device like a calculating machine, it would deal with words simply as names of categories, and with categories as essential tools for imposing order and system in a universe which otherwise presents itself as an unsorted chaos of sense stimuli. But human reaction to words, like many other human behaviors, is also motivated by irrational impulses such as those we label love, hate, joy, sorrow, fear, awe, and sop forth. Whenever the users of a language evince a fairly uniform emotional response to a given words, that response becomes part of the connotation, therefore part of the standard meaning of the word in that language. While the bulk of the vocabulary doubtless consists of words that carry little or no perceptible emotional charge (lamp, book, read, subtract, through), there are nevertheless a good many that produce reactions of various colors and shades, with
voltages ranging form mild to knockout force.
                                                                                          --- Louis B. Salomon
This paragraph is rather long and complex in structure, but there are only three sentences; there are in it quite a few formal or learned words, such as logical device, categories, imposing, stimuli, motivated, evince and perceptible, etc. Long sentences and formal words are appropriate here because the paper, which discusses a rather complex question, needs them to be theoretically clear and exact.

        整段话只有三个句子,不但句子冗长,而且结构复杂、措词严谨,基本上为书面语,如logical device, categories, imposing, stimuli, motivated, evince和perceptible等等。在这里使用长句和正式用语是合适的,因为文章探讨的是一个比较复杂的问题,需要在理论上阐释清楚而精确。
A year later and somewhat better equipped academically, young Bell returned to Scotland. After working for a time with his father, he began teaching speech at a boy's school. His free time was spent in studying abroad. As he studied the human voice and the vibrations that went to make up sound, he found that the voice was not a simple thing. So he continued his studies and his teaching until at the age of twenty-three when he moved with his family to Canada.
                                                         --- American Men of Science and Invention
In this paragraph, except two words such as equipped academically and vibrations are a little formal, all the words are commonly used words. The sentences are much shorter and simpler than those in the preceding paragraph. Such vocabulary and sentence structure fit the content of the paragraph to describe a person.

在这段文字里,除了equipped academically和vibrations等两词比较正式外,其他所有词都是一般用语。句子比上一股的短,而且更简单。这样的用词和句子结构都十分适合这段文字的内容,因为它描述个人。
You have your tension. Sometimes you come close to having an accident that upsets you. You just escape maybe by a hair or so. Sometimes maybe you get a disgruntled passenger on there, and start a big argument. Traffic. You have someone who cuts you off or stops in front of the bus. There's a lot of tension behind that. You’ve got to watch all the time. You're watchin' the drivers, you're watchin' other cars. Most of the time you have to drive for the other drivers, to avoid hitting them. So you take the tension home with you.
                                                                                             --- Studs Terkel
This is part of a talk given by a Chicago driver. He uses very colloquial words and expressions like there's, you're, by a hair or so, on there, cuts you off, and you got to. But most of the words he uses are common words.

这是芝加哥一名司机的部分谈话。他使用的单词和表达法都是口语,如there's, you're, by a hair or so, on there, cuts you off和you got to等。但他所用的大部分词汇还是一般用语。



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