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[经验交流] 【转贴】考研英语写作基本理论及得高分基本方法研究

1# 楼主
发表于 2005-10-15 18:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  以上就是短文写作部分评卷人的弱点,但这些弱点并非是?total disaster?。它们也只是在一定限度之内表现出来,因为在这些阅卷专家的脑子里牢牢地嵌着一些框架,他们可以在极短的时间内将你的文章往框架里套,再根据套入框中的采分点的个数下意识地给出一个分数。
  (2)细节及论据(?Details and Examples?);
  (3)行文(?Facility in the Use of Language and Appropriate Word Choice?)。

edited by 爱箭儿 on 2005-10-17 at 11:48 AM
2# 沙发
发表于 2005-10-15 18:52 | 只看该作者
  (1)一般特殊型(?Generalization?Particular Pattern?);
  (2)问题解决型(?Problem?Solution Pattern?);
  (3)匹配比较型(?Matching Pattern?)。
  1991年作文试题“?Where to Live—in the City or the Country?”?就从?Live in the city?和?Live in the country?两个方面比较。
3# 板凳
发表于 2005-10-15 18:52 | 只看该作者
  《科技英语学习》主编、上海交通大学毛荣贵教授与美国天普大学?Dorine S.Houston?教授合作,曾通过互联网对中国大学生英语作文进行评改。其中30%的习作,?Dorine S.Houston?教授是就主题句的准确设定及其位置问题提出了异议和修改意见。可见写好主题句语段是摆在中国学生面前的一项值得注意的任务。
发表于 2005-10-15 18:58 | 只看该作者
  写作犹如装修房屋,装修以前,要有设计方案。根据方案筹划装饰材料,然后粉墙刷壁、装材料。房屋初现雏形,则着手做细致的工作,直至满意为止。写作也是这样,通常有四个步骤:理解题意(?Learning the theme?),整理思路(?Organizing the thought?),起草成文(?Drafting?),修改润色(?Revising?)。
  这一节的重点就是Introduction,字典这样定义introduction:“anything that introduces or prepares the way.”开头的最基本的要领就是:①to state and narrow the topic of the essay.②to interest the reader.
  文章的Introduction是很重要的,它的长度至少是一句话、一段或者是几段。在开头的引导中作者要让读者明白你文章的题目,主题思想;你要让读者感兴趣或者制造悬念。文章的开头一般分为两种:直接或间接(direct or indirect)
  ①The purpose of my paper is to explain why college is expensive.
  ②I have observed two groups of ** education students: GED and ESL.I feel qualified to compare the two.
  ③On my next vacation why not relax for eight days and nights aboard an elegantocean liner? Booking a cruise is easy.
  ④I believe that not enough attention is given to American writer John Steinbeck.In the next few paragraphs I will explain why people should read Steinbeck?s books.
  ⑤When I was seventeen,I dropped out of high school. There were three reasonsfor this decision, and I would like to explain each of them.
  There are many, many people dying everyday. Some of these deaths, caused by disease and by old age, cannot be helped. There are, however, many deaths that could be prevented. One way to prevent many senseless deaths would be to implement some form of handgun control.
  这种开头是从一般(there are many people dying everyday)到具体( deaths due to handguns)。这种从一般到具体的方法叫做“演绎法”(deduction)。这种间接开头不但能宣布主题而且能引人入胜。
  Converging on the rocks of a river bank or the rim of the city?s main well, thewomen of ancient ages met to beat and scrub their family?s clothing clean as they reviewed their activities and savored the latest bits of gossip.With the airy openness of a seashore, Bob Stanton?s Laundromat in Palos Hills echoes of this past as it throbs to the pulsating rhythm of modern mechanization and the suburban life-style.
  In his poem“I sang,”Carl Sandburg wrote of love,“I sang to you and the moon butonly the moon remembers....”In a sense, all of us can identify with the speaker?s emotions. Most of us have no doubt experienced the feeling of loss that is aresult of unrequited love or of love gone wrong. There is,I think, a valuablelesson for all of us to learn from this very human experience.
  ④修辞学上的提问法(rhetorical question)
  Are you tired of sleeping in a wet blanket that pretends to be a sinking boat? Have you had it with gnats and mosquitos in your outdoor cooking? Does the phrase“back to nature”mean that you sit and rest in a patch of poison ivy? Have you ever considered that your next vacation should follow my plan of renting a camper?
  My sister has always had a difficult time with spelling and with basic math. When she was little, my family transferred from one state to another, from one job to another, and from one school district to another. Only my sister was at the age when basic skills were being taught, and only my sister?s education was affected so drastically. Our family?s frequent moves have left other traces on my sister; unfortunately, the“corporate family,”as my father?s company labels us,is very common in this country. I would like to examine the negative problems the corporate family faces and offer suggestions on how to counter these negative effects.
  Johnnie Jones is four years old. Yesterday he hit his sister with a broom. Johnnie?s friend is four and one-half year old Brad Smith. Yesterday, Brad hit his pet Beagle with one of his toy trucks. Both boys learned these gestures from watching TV.Television shows teach children many acts of violence. In the next severalpages, I would like to examine some of the violent television shows and illustrate their effects on children.
  ①“A fool and his money are soon part
  ed”seems to have been uttered by someone who knew me. In the past six months Ihave become the target of every door?to?door salesman. It?s only in the last two days, however, that I have finally learned how to say“No!”to these hucksters. I feel it is my mission in life to share this newfound secret with you.?Ozzie Lawson?
  ②Good eyesight is a valued gift that every individual treasures.Many people, however, need help to maintain and acquire clear vision. One specific type of eyestrengthener is the contact lens. This type of lens can greatly improve and often correct eye deficiencies. Many individuals shy away from using this type of lens because they don?t know how to apply them correctly. The method described below is one of the many ways that one can insert hard contacts quickly and efficiently.
  ?Debbie McHugn?
  ③The purpose of this essay is to convince you to buy an English Sheepdog.?Debbie Walters?
  ④Not many people know who I am, and those who meet me soon forget me. Teachersnever remember my name. The bank always asks for reendorsement, and I?m constantly asked for identification. No one ever remembers me. I sometimes fantasize what it would be like if everyone remembered me.?Nancy Likes-Jakovickas?
  ⑤Hello! I know that this is your first day working as a cashier at the grocery.Don?t be nervous!Let me explain to you the few basic steps of running the cash register.?Eileen Cassidy?
  ⑥Watching my son, Jason, play can really be amazing. He always seems to amuse himself no matter if he has store-bought toys or a cardboard box.Jason has what all children seem to possess:imagination.
  ?Michele Reczynski?
  ⑦When most people getsintosa car they notice the interior and the handling. I am different; I look at and listen to the stereo. Factory installed stereos often look cheap and have terrible sound. Buying and installing a stereo system that suits your own tastes means that your car?s stereo will look good and sound good. Installing your own car stereo isn?t as hard as it sounds if you follow a few simple steps.
  ?Wally Danczak?
  ⑧The Webster New World Dictionary defines the word embarrass as“to cause tofeel self?conscious, to hinder, or to be in doubt.”In my opinion, this definition doesn?t describe the degree of embarrassment felt or the psychological self?doubt it might cause a person which could affect a person?s later life.?Daniel Marx?
  ⑨Do you recall looking at the rundown condition of your pool after a long, cold winter and wondering how you will get it finished by the time the warm weatherarrives? A torn liner, green murky water, and rotted deck boards make you wonder if you?ll ever swim again. With a little work and know-how, however, you can start filling your pool in as little as two days.?Chuck Kalvelage?
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