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[考研复试] 科室面试常见问答

1# 楼主
发表于 2014-3-5 18:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Further education would provide me the opportunity tobroaden my horizon and consolidate my professional knowledge and in successionprovide me a better stage. Also, I found my current knowledge is still notenough for me to get achievements I want in the future career, but postgraduatestudy can help me get there.


I have been thinking for really a long timeabout the life-long direction of study and profession. In the eyes of ordinarypeople, dermatoses may be not as severe as otherdiseases such as heart disease or tumor,
however, it is undeniable that they arequite common and have seriously affected the wellbeing of people’s life. Once Idecide to set feet into this field, I just want to be an expert towards it. Iwant to do further studies so that i can help more and more people who is stillsuffering from skin disorders.


      First,my short-term goal is to form systematic view of dermatovenereology,and I hope I can get a complete comprehension of the professional knowledge. Ifpossible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.


  There are three members in my family: my parents and me. Though I’m theonly child of my parents, I am by no means a spoiled one. My father is a businessman, he paid particularly attention on the way I deal with people and things.Though my mother is an ordinary housewife, her earnest and rigorous attitudetowards life has laid a tremendous impact on me. I love them with all my heartand they are the main reason and motives for me to pursue postgraduate studies.Without their continuous help and support, I wont be who I am now.


I am from XXX , a small city whichhas a long history over 2500 years. It has a profound cultural background andmany historical celebrities, such as XX, their enterprising and brave spirithas laid a far-reaching influence on locals. Living in a small city make memore aware of the importance of sincere interaction and the necessity of havinga good heart and soul.


   XX University was founded in 1958 andlocated in a famous historical and cultural city -XX. It covers an area of over3000 mu and the library has a collection of over 3000000 books. The subject characteristics of theuniversity are medical science, nuclear science and technology and so on. Morethan four years’ study there made me an independent and optimistic girl. Iappreciate the education my alma mater have given me.


My strongest asset is that I pay attentionto details and I think logically, so I always do my work in a organized way. Iam also patient and responsible with a sociable personality.


Speaking of my shortcomings, the firstthing come out of my mind is me lacking of the ability to be decisive. Althoughduring 4-year college life, I have been trying to engage a lot on campusactivities, training my leadership skills and improve my confidence, which dohelp and I made my progress. I still think I have a long way to go to finallyget to where I expect myself to be.


I have a wide varietyof hobbies in my daily life. I played some instruments such as Erhu and guitar,which helped me be active in student activities when I was an undergraduatestudent. I am also a fan of books and movies, through observing other people’slife and stories, I always think I can learn various perspectives and form amature vision of my ow

6 展开 喜欢他/她就送朵鲜花吧,赠人玫瑰,手有余香!鲜花排行

2# 沙发
发表于 2014-4-11 20:13 | 只看该作者
3# 板凳
发表于 2015-3-8 12:33 | 只看该作者
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