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[职称外语] 明天考职称英语了同志们!有真题吗?

1# 楼主
发表于 2013-3-29 19:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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2# 沙发
发表于 2013-3-29 19:33 | 只看该作者


3# 板凳
发表于 2013-3-29 20:58 | 只看该作者



1.        Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it.
A. solved   B. settled   C. discovered  D. recognized

2.        We have a long conversation about her parents.
A. talk   B. speech   C. debate   D. discussion

3. If the case succeeds, it is inevitable that other trials will follow.
A. proper   B. right   C. strange   D. certain

4. Now, the gene they discovered today doesn't account for all those cases.
A. reported   B. explained   C. related   D. included

5. His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality.
A. good   B. bad   C. hard   D. poor

6. Before this I'd have smiled and turned her down.
A. accepted   B. received   C. refused   D. left

7. I know people who find it practically impossible to give up smoking.
A. basically   B. absolutely  C. really   D. almost

8. It is here that most students fall into a subtle and deadly trap.
A. serious   B. worrying  C. dangerous   D. deep

9. She was always ready to give interviews.
A. prepared   B. willing  C. likely   D. afraid

10. The child’s abnormal behavior puzzled the doctor.
A. bad   B.  frightening    C. repeated  D. unusual  

11. My sister puzzles me and causes me anxiety.
A. hated   B. troubled   C. confused    D. annoyed

12. All this had an extremely damaging effect on the criminal justice system.
A. big    B. negative   C. major   D. minor
13. The vigorous man is engaged in diverse activities.
A. similar   B. dangerous   C. different   C. common

14. Our plan is to allocate him to be responsible for the project.
A. assign   B. persuade   C. ask    D. order

15. If you think you may be allergic(过敏的) to a food or drink, eliminate it from your diet.
A. stop   B. remove   C. reduce   D. adjust


Red meat links to higher risk of breast cancer

Exercise and keeping a healthy weight are two things that doctors say might help women lower their risk of breast cancer.
Mothers may reduce their risk if they breastfeed for at least four months. For older women, hormone replacement therapy2 can lower the risk of some other diseases. But it has been found to increase the risk of breast cancer. So women should consider their choices carefully. The same may be said for diet.
    New findings show that younger women who eat a lot of red meat have higher rates of breast cancers called hormone-receptor positive.3 The growth is fed by the levels of estrogen or another hormone, progesterone, in the body.
Researchers at Brigham Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, reported the findings as part of a health study of nurses. The researchers followed the health of more than 90,000 women from 1991 to 2003. Those who ate the most red meat ate more than one and one-half servings a day. A serving was defined as roughly 84 grams. Those who ate the least red meat ate less than three servings a week. This is what the study found about breast cancers that were hormone receptor-positive: The women who ate the most red meat were almost two times as likely to get them as the women who ate the least of it.
Eunyoung Cho, the lead author of the report, says more research is needed to know the reason for the link. But in the past, researchers have suggested that three things may play a part. One is the way meat is cooked or processed. Another is the use of growth hormones in cows. And the third is the kind of iron in red meat. The study appears in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
And now we have more to tell you about our subject -- resveratrol. We discussed a study in the United States that found that large amounts of this plant compound helped fat mice live longer. The mice were fed much more resveratrol than people could get from red wine, one of the foods that contains it.
Now, scientists in France say resveratrol also improves muscle performance -- again, at least in mice. They were able to run two times as far in laboratory treadmill tests4 as mice normally could. The study at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology5 appeared in the journal Cell.

1. Breastfeeding helps women prevent the development of breast cancer to a certain degree.
A  Right                B  Wrong              C  Not mentioned

2. Estrogen contributes to the development of breast cancer as much as hormone replacement therapy.
A  Right                B  Wrong              C  Not mentioned

3.  The amount of red meat a woman eats is directly proportional to the probability of breast cancer.
A  Right                B  Wrong              C  Not mentioned

4.  The way red meat is prepared has much to do with the probability of breast cancer.
A  Right                B  Wrong              C  Not mentioned

5.  Any kind of iron in the food is a contributor to the development of breast cancer.
A  Right                B  Wrong              C  Not mentioned

6.  Resveratrol is the fourth factor recently found that causes a breast cancer to develop.
A  Right                B  Wrong              C  Not mentioned

7.  Any kind of wine contains resveratrol.
A  Right                B  Wrong              C  Not mentioned

第三部分:概括大意与完成句子 (每题1分,共8分)
阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1---4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2--5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5--8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing

          Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.
          Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night.People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night’s sleep than 8-hour sleepers.
          These findings, which DL Daniel K**ke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people who want to get a good night’s rest may not need to set aside。more than 8 hours a night.He added that“it might be a good idea'’for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed, but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.
Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep一for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.
          For the current report,K**ke reviewed the responses of 1,004 **s to sleep questionnaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the Week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.
          KriDke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview, K**ke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed.As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed.“It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed, then they’ll spend a higher percentage of time awake.”he said.

1. Paragraph 2 ___.
2. Paragraph 4___.
3. Paragraph 5___.
4. Paragraph 6___.

A. Keprike’s research tool
B. Dangers of Habitual shortages of sleep
C. Criticism on K**ke’s report
D. A way of overcoming insomnia
E. Sleep problems of long and short sleepers
F. Classification of sleep problems

5.To get a good night’s rest,people may not need to ___.
6.Long sleepers are reported to be more likely to___.
7.  One of the sleep problems is waking in the middle of the night,unable to___.
8.  One survey showed that people who habitually ___each night have a higher risk of dying.

A  fall asleep again  
B  become more energetic the following day
C  sleep less than 7 hours
D  confirm those serious consequences
E  suffer sleep problems
F sleep more than 8 hours

“Don’t Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning
In what may be bad news for bars and pubs,a European research group has found that people drinking alcohol outside of meals have a significantly higher risk of cancer in the mouth and neck than do those taking their libations with food. Luigino Dal Maso and his colleagues studied the drinking patterns of 1,500 patients from four cancer studies and another 3,500 **s who had never had cancer.
After the researchers accounted for the amount of alcohol consumed, they found that individuals who downed a significant share of their alcohol outside of meals faced at least a 50 to 80 percent risk of cancer in the oral cavity, pharynx, and esophagus, when compared with people who drank only at meals. Consuming alcohol without food also increased by at least 20 percent the likelihood of laryngeal cancer. “ Roughly 95 percent of cancers at these four sites traced to smoking or drinking6 by the study volunteers,” Dal Maso says. The discouraging news, his team reports, is that drinking with meals didn’t eliminate cancer risk at any of the sites.
For their new **ysis,the European scientists divided people in the study into four groups,based on how many drinks they reported having in an average week. The lowest-intake group included people who averaged up to8 20 drinks a week. The highest group reported downing at least 56 servings of alcohol weekly for an average of eight or more per day. Cancer risks for the mouth and neck sites rose steadily with consumption even for people who reported drinking only with meals. For instance, compared with people in the lowest-consumption group, participants who drank 21 to 34 alcohol servings a week at least doubled their cancer risk for all sites other than the larynx. If people in these consumption groups took some of those drinks outside meals, those in the higher consumption group at least quadrupled their risk for oral cavity and esophageal cancers.
People in the highest-consumption group who drank only with meals had 10 times the risk of oral cancer, 7 times the risk of pharyngeal cancer, and 16 times the risk of esophageal cancer compared with those who averaged 20 or fewer drinks a week with meals. In contrast, laryngeal cancer risk in the high-intake, with-meals-only group11 was only t**le that in the low-intake consumers who drank with meals.
“Alcohol can inflame tissues. Over time, that inflammation can trigger cancer. ” Dal Maso says. He suspects that food reduced cancer risk either by partially coating digestive-tract tissues or by scrubbing alcohol off those tissues. He speculates that the reason laryngeal risks were dramatically lower for all study participants traces to the tissue’s lower exposure to alcohol.

1.    Researchers have found that the risk of cancer in the mouth and neck is higher with people
A who drink alcohol outside of meals
B who drink alcohol at meals.
C who never drink alcohol.
D who drink alcohol at bars and pubs.
2.    Which of the following is NOT the conclusion made by the researchers about “drinking with meals”?
A It has a lower risk of cancer than drinking without food.
B It may also be a cause of cancer.
C It increases by 20 percent the possibility of cancer in all sites.
D It does not eliminate cancer risk at any of the sites.
3.    Approximately how many drinks do the lowest-intake group average per day?
A 3 drinks.   B 8 drinks.   C 20 drinks.D 56 drinks.
4.    Which cancer risk is the lowest among all the four kinds of cancer mentioned in the passage?
A Oral cancer.     B Laryngeal cancer.
C Pharyngeal cancer.  D Esophageal cancer.
5.    According to the last paragraph, tissue’s lower exposure to alcohol
A explains why inflammation triggers cancer.
B accounts for why food can coat digestive-tract tissues.
C is the reason why food can scrub alcohol off tissues.
D reduces the risk of laryngeal cancer.

Obesity: the scourge of the western world
Obesity is rapidly becoming a new scourge of the western world, delegates agreed at the 11th European Conference on the issue in Vienna Wednesday to Saturday. According to statements before the opening of the conference—of 2,000 specialists from more than 50 countries—1.2 billion people worldwide are overweight, and 250 million are obese.
     Professor Bernhard Ludvik of Vienna General Hospital said: “Obesity is a chronic illness. In Germany, 20 per cent of the people are already affected, but in Japan only one per cent. ” But he said that there was hope for sufferers thanks to the new scientific discoveries and medication.
     Professor Friedrich Hopichler of Salzberg said: “We are living in the new age (but) with the metabolism of a stone-age man.” “I have just been to the United States. It is really terrible. A pizza shop is springing up on every corner. We have been overrun by fast food and Coca-Cola-ization.”
     Many of the experts stressed that obesity was a potential killer. Hopichler said: “Eighty percent of all diabetics are obese, also fifty per cent of all patients with high blood pressure and fifty per cent with adipose tissue complaints. ” “Ten per cent more weight means thirteen per cent more risk of heart disease. Reducing one’s weight by ten per cent leads to thirteen per cent lower blood pressure.”
     Another expert Hermann Toplak said that the state health services should improve their financing of preventive programs. “Though the health insurance pays for surgery (such as reducing the size of the stomach)when the body-mass index is more than 40. That is equivalent to a weight of 116 kilograms for a height of 1.70 meters. One should start earlier.”
     Ludvik said that prevention should begin in school. “Child obesity (fat deposits ) correlates with the time which children spend in front of TV sets.”
The consequences were only apparent later on. No more than fifteen per cent of obese people lived to the average life expectancy for their population group.
1. it is estimated that there are _____ people suffering from obesity in the world.
A. 250,000,000
B. 1,200,000,000
C. 1,450,000,000
D. 950,000,000
2. It seems that the _____ people are least affected by obesity among the developed countries and areas mentioned in the passage.
A. European B. German C. American D. Japanese
3. Which of the following is most often accompanied by obesity?
A. high blood pressure.
B. Fatty tissue complaints.
C. Diabetes.
D. Stomach-ache.
4. What is the correlation between body weight and heart disease and blood pressure?
A. Ten per cent less body weight means ten per cent less risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
B. Thirteen per cent more body weight means ten per cent more risk of heart disease 和 high blood pressure.
C. The more body weight one gains, the more risk of heart disease and high blood pressure he has.
D. The less body weight one gains, the more risk of heart disease and the less risk of high blood pressure he has.
5. From the last paragraph we may infer that one of the effective measures suggested by Ludnik to prevent children from being obese would be
A. not to permit them to watch TV at all.
B. to tell them to spend less time watching TV.
C. to turn off TV when they are in front of TV sets.
D. to calculate accurately the time that a child spends watching TV.

Verne’s accurate preview of the future

        Since the beginning of time, man has been interested in the moon. The Romans designed a special day to show admiration and respect to the moon. They called it “Moonday”, or “Monday”, as we know it today. Later, the great mind of Leonardo da Vinci studied the moon and designed a machine to carry a human to the moon. Leonardo said that one day a great machine bird would take a  person to the moon and bring great honor to the home where it was born.
        Four and a half centuries later, Leonardo’s idea was realized. Apollo II took three Americans – Collins, Aldrin, and Armstrong – to the moon. The mission did fill the whole world with great surprise, as Leonardo had said it would. Numerous essays, articles, and books were written about man’s first moon mission. But perhaps the most interesting story was one written before the event --- over 100 years ago.
        In 1865, French author Jules Verne wrote a story about the first jounery to the moon. His story was very similar to the 1969 Apollo II mission.
        Verne’s spacecraft also contained three men – two Americans and a Frenchman. The spacecraft was described as being almost the same size as Apollo II. The launch site in Verne’s story was also in Florida. The space craft in Verne’s story was named the “Columbiad”. The Apollo II command ship was called “Columbia”. His account of sending the spacecraft into the space could easily have been written about how Apollo II was sent into the space.
        Verne’s story was the same as the actual event in several other respects. The speed of Verne’s spacecraft was 36,000 feet per second; Apollo’s was 35,533 feet per second. Verne’s spacecraft took 97 hours to reach the moon; Apollo’s time was 103 hours. Like Apollo’s spacemen, Verne’s spacemen took pictures of the moon’s surface, relaxed on their seats, cooked with gas, and experienced weightlessness. They too came down in the Pacific and were picked up by an American warship.
        What were the reaons for Jules Verne’s extreme accuracy in describing an event 100 years or more before it actually occurred? He based his writings on the laws of physics and astronomy(天文学). Nineteenth- century science and the vivid Verne’s imagination gave people an unbelievable accurate preview of the greatest events of the 20th century.

1.        Leonardo da Vinci said that a great machine bird would ___.
A.        bring great honor to the moon      B. fly toward the sun
C  explore the heavens               D. take people to the moon

2.        Jules Verne wrote his story of a man’s visit to the moon about ___.
A.        100 years before the Apollo II mission
B.         10 years before the Apollo II mission
C.         four and one-half centuries ago
D.         100 years ago

3.        Verne’s story is very similar to ___.
A.        the first U.S. space mission
B.        the Apollo II mission
C.        Leonardo da Vinci’s story
D.        numerous other books on the same subject

4.        The passage suggests that Jules Verne ___.
A.        developed the laws of physics
B.        based his writing on the works of Leonardo da Vinci
C.        was very lucky in what he had described about the future
D.        knew a great deal about the laws of physics and astronomy

5.        According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A.        Monday is named by the Greek to show their respect to the sun.
B.        Unfortunately, Leonardo’s idea wasn’t realized before he died.
C.        Apollo II was launched from California in 1969.
D.                Amazingly, Verne’s story was exactly the same as the actual event.


Stop Spam

        When I first got an e-mail account ten years ago, I received communications only from family, friends and colleagues.___1__. If we want e-mail to continue to be useful, we need specific laws that make spamming(发送垃圾邮件) a crime.
        If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get much worse.__2__ As more and more advertisers turn to span to sell their products, individual e-mail boxes are often flooded with spam e-mails. Would people continue to use e-mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time?
        __3__. Many spam e-mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company. Companies rely on e-mail for their employees to communicate with each other. Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks. __4___. Such a situation results in a loss of productivity and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks. These computer problems raise production costs of companies, which are, in the end, passes on to the consumer.
        For these reason, I believe that lawmakers need to legislate against spam.___5__. E-mail is a tool which helps people all over the world to communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying this convenience.

A. Computer programs allow spammers to send hundreds of millions of e-mails almost instantly.
B. This question is troubling for individual and companies as well.
C. But now it seems that every time I check my e-mail, I have an endless series of advertisements and other correspondence that do not interest me at all.
D. Spammers should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people
E. And their employees are thus unable to communicate effectively.
F.Spamming is more serious in China than in America.

第6部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)

•        The Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints
  One useful anti-cancer drug can effectively erase the whorls and other characteristic marks that give people their distinctive fingerprints. Losing __1__ could become troublesome. A case
  released online in a letter by Annals of Oncology indicates how big a __2__ of losing fingerprints is.
  Eng-Huat Tan, a Singapore-based medical doctor describes a 62-year old man who has used capecitabine to __3__ his nasopharyngeal cancer. After three years on the __4__ ,the patient decided to visit U. S. relatives last December. But he was stopped by U. S. customs officials __5__ 4 hours after entering the country when those officials couldn’t get fingerprints from the man. There were no distinctive swirly __6__ appearing from his index finger.
  U. S. customs has been fingerprinting incoming foreign visitors for years, Tan says. Their index fingers are __7__ and screened against digital files of the fingerprints of bad guys— terrorists and potential criminals that our federal guardians have been tasked with keeping out of the country. Unfortunately, for the Singaporean traveler,one potential __8__ effect of his drug treatment is a smoothing of the tissue on the finger pads. __9__ ,no fingerprints.
  “It is uncertain when fingerprint loss will __10__ to take place in patients who are taking capecitabine,” Tan points out. So he cautions any physicians who __11__ the drug to provide their patients with .a doctor’s note pointing out that their medicine may cause fingerprints to disappear.
  Eventually, the Singapore traveler made it into the United States. I guess the name on his passport didn’t raise any red flags. But he,s also now got the explanatory doctor’s note — and won’t leave home __12__ it.
  By the way, maybe the Food and Drug Administration, __13__ approved use of the drug
  11 years ago, should consider __14__ its list of side effects associated with this medicine. The current list does note that patients may experience vomiting, stomach pain and some other side effects. But no where __15__ it mention the potential for loss of fingerprints.
  1. A. he. B. them. C. her. D. him
  2. A. theme. B. topic. C. creation. D. problem
  3. A. treat. B. cut. C. find. D. smooth
  4. A. recovery. B. diet. C. drug. D. diagnosis
  5. A. in. B. at. C. for. D. on
  6. A. digits. B. marks. C. images. D. pictures
  7. A. printed. B. located. C. cured. D. placed
  8. A. normal. B. good. C. main. D. side
  9. A. However. B. Hence. C. Moreover. D. Furthermore
  10. A. begin. B. like. C. decide. D. have
  11. A. prevent. B. preserve. C. presume. D. prescribe
  12. A. off. B. on. C. without. D. with
  13. A. who. B. where. C. when. D. which
  14. A. updating. B. using. C. printing. D. cancelling
  15. A. must. B. does. C. may. D. should
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