
标题: 一些和熟悉的和天生的心脏病发作的诊治疗简短的介绍 [打印本页]

作者: 一滴水LRP    时间: 2006-10-12 15:45
标题: 一些和熟悉的和天生的心脏病发作的诊治疗简短的介绍
这一个本文的主要介绍是一些和熟悉的并且治疗结果一个天生的心脏病发作, 像是房间分割背叛和损害,建筑物区分背叛和损害,动脉管不关上,肺动脉花瓣是狭窄部分,而且方法姓四联症。前四种疾病如果手术时机选择好,手术不出现并发症远期结果是很好的,原则上讲属于终生治愈。
  1, 房间分割背叛和损害(房间缺乏)
  心包含四心腔 ,右边的心房,一个通道有三瓣尖的花瓣右边的室 ;离开了心房, 那离开了一个通道有二瓣尖的花瓣室 ; 那左右室有厚的分割呼叫房间分割, 这隔包含天生的背叛,而且损害称房间分割背叛和损害为 namely. 此病占先天性心脏??0%-25% 。心的各种音是广告的主要部分为,心电图表现对留下的房间是脂肪的和厚,心 X 线薄的切片心影扩充,左边的心扩充,肺血增加, 超级声音移动图表能清除和明确的 diagnosis. 室缺分膜周部,双动脉下 (干下) 及肌部缺损。一个动脉的下个类型自然不能关上相配吗, 但是肌肉一种可能性为和膜部门房间缺乏的所有有自然关上 matching. 因此,如果缺损较小,不影响患儿发育,无反复<!--HAODF:8:feiyan-->肺炎<!--HAODF:/8:feiyan-->,心衰发生,无重度肺动脉高压,均可在医生的随诊下等待 2 岁时复查,大约 30-40% 可以自愈。如果可以不再关上相配考虑摘一个日期外科的 operation. 但如在婴儿期反复肺炎,心哀,药物难以控制,或伴重度肺动脉高压,则需 l 岁以内手术。一些肺炎衰的不耐烦时期的朋友严重的心援救情形, 也紧急状况可能呼叫外科的 operation. 手术效果还是满意的,非手术的导管介入性关闭术尚在研究探查之中,适用于肌部缺损吗。
  2, 建筑分割背叛和损害(建筑物缺乏)
  Unless the building of bigness lacks, few emergence in general earlier period symptom, small building partition defection and damage can the whole life not surgical operation, but have a vein system for again and again sex brain obstructing, may having something to do with building partition defection and damage, its reason is artery small to bolt the son, pass the building lack into the left heart, arriving the brain but with the result that the brain obstructs.因此亦有医生提出对小房缺及卵园孔末闭的患者可考虑用导管引入双面伞的方法关闭,不必心内直视手术。以管输送接近的建筑物缺乏的方法有一些类型, 大概请求建筑物缺乏较小的 2 cms。中到大的房缺需手术治疗,疗效亦是十分令人满意的,目前心外科为其开展小切口手术,或心脏不停跳修补房缺,减少了手术的并发症。 建筑物缺乏重的一个肺动脉高度朋友的压力,外科的操作结果是 worse. 因此一定早看专科医师,在医生的指导下决定是否长期随访或治疗。
  3, 动脉管不关上
在被出生之后 , 动脉管在胚胎时期中衰退和彼此由于主动脉弓的肺动脉连接的一个吹笛循环的系统仰赖它的存在, 但是关上在自然之后相配的胚胎, 解救停留一个主动脉如果可以不要关上相配,, 和肺动脉的通道,动脉管结束 shuts. 占先天性心脏??%-10% 的呼叫。连续的机器类型的各种音是广告的它典型的模型为, 心电图对留下的房间是脂肪的和厚, 心 X 排成一行肺血是多数,心影扩充,左边的心扩充,主动脉弓衰退部门" 漏斗广告为".彩色超声心动图可明确诊断,但如果存在重度肺动脉高压,往往不易探及血流而误诊。因为肺动脉压力耗尽比主动脉压力更低, 因此对动脉管的粗感到瘦不同的,然后有不由于血流程的相同量进入来自主动脉的肺动脉之内, 严重的婴儿时期通常肺炎,心衰 , 有结果的长领引高的压力阻类型的肺输入的 , 肺的动脉梗,更甚至出现血进入来自肺动脉的主动脉 ( 呼叫艾森曼空间综合广告为) 之内流动, 但是失去外科的操作机会.   动脉管不关上摘要的外科操作 , 走开大体上外面的胸采用薄的切片,结扎或切向上缝纫的左边边, 因为不需要外面圆地,不开始跳跃下完成心的外科操作,如此复杂化是一点点, 复原恐怕最好 quickly. 一些因粗大动脉导管而致的反复肺炎,严重心衰患儿,术后很快得以控制,而挽救了生命。管在⒖中拿积极参与的性别领引进愚蠢的梦魇之内在 ? 在一在春天盘绕脚タ鄱缕?龋?捎美丽的在?中在龅中在脊中在埽的?中在壳中一餐黑暗的?在 >在卤的詹煌?笮Ψㄊ墙壁铣墒斓在酰??的场合上的募轻弹糜谛《?龅脊埽?字阒这?.5 毫米包括。一个伞方法恐怕最好是另外一对延期使用长的时间方法是一种,虽然据说能为直径的动脉 7 毫米管用,但是直径是动脉管结果包括的 5 毫米是最好的. 新的堵闭装置正在研制,如 Amplatzer 法可用于关闭 10 毫米以内的动脉导管。
  4, 肺动脉花瓣是狭窄部分
自肺动脉是口的和狭窄的之后,肺动脉花瓣是狭窄部分, 会计为 5%-8% 的天生心脏病发作, 在他们之中 90% 为狭窄部分的花瓣,即三瓣肺动脉花瓣厚地增加, 移交当边界融合物心契约, 因为活瓣打做不开着的, 但是公园冠广告 for. 心脏杂音是主要体征,心电图表现右室肥厚,心脏 X 线片示肺血少,右心扩大,肺动脉段垂直样扩张,超声心动图可明确诊断。The lung artery petal is narrow and can differ with the pressure of the lung artery to is divided into according to the right room light, inside, heavy.压差0.75千帕(超过10毫米汞柱)可诊断为肺动脉瓣狭窄,压差10-50毫米汞柱为轻度狭窄;左室收缩压水平50为中度;大于左室收缩压水平为重度。Divided by the heavy a lung artery petal narrow outside, get the clinical symptom in son light, can sometimes gasp etc. after having the sport.The heavy a patient expresses a lips and points 趾 A 青 purple because of the right room, right building pressure goes up to make building the egg on the partition circle bore picked up to open, appearing the blood of the right building into the left building,.重度狭窄患者亦可伴有心力衰竭,如浮肿、腹水、肝大等。Narrow treatment in petal in artery in lung, incline toward more and more now the ball 囊 pipe take shape the 术 .扩张术使粘连的肺动脉瓣撕开,而解决了狭窄问题,除个别病例失败外基本成功,再狭窄率极低,因此目前基本替代了手术治疗。Only there is bad valve growth, petal wreath small case, may need the surgical operation treatment.
  5, method joy surname four 联症
  Method joy surname four 联症s is narrow from the lung artery, the room partition defection and damage, aorta rides to across and right room fatty and thick four kinds of abnormals is keep both. Invite to account for 10% of congenital heart attack or so.患者青紫、杆状指,活动时呼吸急速,喜蹲踞或有青紫发作,即青紫加重,呼吸增快,困难,严重甚至晕颁是最明显症状。The ex- area in heart can have the miscellaneous 音 , taking care of the end shut(5% — 10%), narrow(5% — 8%) etc. in petal in artery in lung, account for 60% of congenital heart attack or so.For above the strenuous efforts tube abnormal that enumerate, the current surgical operation cures basic safety dependable unless surgical operation accident, and after the 术 can with similar and living work in normal person. The surgical operation treatment of the complicated congenital heart attack although still in quest, occupy congenital heart attack 10% method the joy the surname four 联症 , current surgical operation success the rate is above 95%.其他复杂型,如心内膜垫缺损、肺静脉畸形引流、右室双出口、单心室等手术亦取得很好的结果。Reducing the surgical operation of 症 is a 术 that complicated congenital heart attack is can'ting complete still before curing for good the 术 but the finished improvement gets the son circumstance for the convenience of completing to cure for good the surgical operation to choose necessarily in the future.如对肺动脉发育极差的患儿施行体动脉、肺动脉转流术或体静脉、肺动脉转流术,可促进肺动脉发育提高将来根治术的成功率。
Congenital heart attack not the surgical operation cures, is point that now and from now on develop and a little bit hot, the current narrow ball in petal in artery in pure lung 囊 extends the 术 F the basic acting for the surgical operation treatment;The artery pipe dids not shut every kind of to shut to match the machine, can shut to match such as an umbrella type, button type, spring coil a type etc. every kind of method the big shutting the artery pipe to 10 millimeters of ends;The diameter is 20 millimeters of below the pipe of the central type building partition defection and damage gets involved the close, the clinical F obtains the good result.My 院 closes 3 result with the Cardio Seal an umbrella good;Room partition defection and damage although the as well someone or other research counteracts in clinical, still not extensive, still be limited by muscle a room partition defection and damage or heart 梗 empress room partition borings now

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