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1# 楼主
发表于 2012-10-16 02:59 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Nine things you (probably)don't know about psoriasis1  It makes your usual skin-replacement process go wonky-cells take just a few days to renew themselves rather than a few weeks. Your body mistakenly think it's fighting a bug or healing a wound and you break out in nasty, raised, red patches that can be flaky and scaly, and itch like crazy.
2  Psoriasis can affect any area of the body, including the hands , feet, nails and scalp, even-painfully-your genitals and buttocks.
3  But don't fret, it isn't catching, nor is caused by not washing. It's an immune condition.But it can be irritated by soaps and other perfumed products, and children and teens in particular can develop psoriasis after a throat infection.
4  Ten percent of psoriasis sufferers have only one or tow episodes and then it disappears.
5  The most likely times to be hit by a bout are from your late teens to early thirties,and between 50 and 60.
6  There's family history of the condition in a third of cases, but you have a 50-50 chance of getting it if both your parents suffer.
7  It tends to get worse during the winter and better during summer.UV light definitely helps, but don't overdo it as sunburn can trigger a flare-up.
8  Coal tar is a traditional remedy,but fortunately there are other creams and lotions available, along with tablets and injections that stop your skin or immune system overreacting.
9  Famous sufferers include Stalin ......

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